Easter, the time of new beginnings . . . Easter eggs and bunnies and spring flowers, little girls in their pretty spring dresses and bonnets. There is such exhilaration just feeling the warm sun on my face after what was arguably the worst winter in recent memory. As the old saying goes: Hope springs eternal.
For me, though, Easter is not so much about looking ahead, but rather a time of reflection. I believe the same may be true for our Jewish friends during this season of Passover, a time to commemorate and reflect on God’s deliverance.
In the light of Good Friday and the tremendous sacrifice Jesus rendered on the cross, I look at my life over the last 12 months. Have I made progress as a person, as a Christian? Am I different now than I was last year? In many ways, the sad realization is: no, I’m pretty much the same person.Why is that? Man, I can talk a good talk . . . evidence this blog. But where is the determination, the willpower, to actually make the change? Laziness? Probably. Walking the walk is hard. Not to get all philosophical, but it comes down to head-knowledge vs. heart-knowledge. I can give verbal assent until I'm blue in the face, but where will I be in the end? Probably just out of breath.
I look at the cross of Good Friday and I seem to be numb to it lately. I look at the sacrifice offered for me and I keep it at arm’s length. I don’t let it in to change me. It's no more than head-knowledge. It's nodding my head and offering verbal assent. I'm left to wonder, if Jesus walked in our midst today, what would I do? Would I fall on my knees or would I be one of the crowd to shout "crucify Him" all over again?
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